Friday, September 5, 2008


My internet connection had encountered problems and i have to cut off myself from the cyber world for a few days and it was not a good experience. But in 3rd of September, It wasn't that bad at all! MY PHOTOGRAPH HAD BEEN SELECTED to be one of the HotShots in Digital Camera Magazine malaysia september issue!! I was so happy even though my submission wasn't the winner photograph, but to be able to stand among them was such an achievement for me. Now I can aim higher already! hehe

ps:hehe not only my photograph was in there, my girlfriend's work's there too! cuz she's the one who shoot my portrait hehe.

This was the magazine!

Look at my blog's banner, you'll see something very familiar here heheheh!!

I hope that it wasn't my last selected submission, and certainly this was not the best on september, there are still too many good photographers around in Malaysia who did not find it interesting to send their work to this mag. But for a newbie like me who started photography since this year march, i'll be terribly happy already. While some people may not think it was anything great, well, i hope i could someday think like you too! 


Adrian said...

nice 1,
u showed ur work, and which is your gf's work = )

Sammuel_Chan said...

My self-portrait of course hehe. I was holding my DSLR with my both hands, so i can't possibly shoot my own photo if not my girlfriend was there to help me to shot a photo of myself ehehe!

Kuntong said...

well done bro!!!! u did it!
hope i got the chance sumday...
(but, i thnk im no good enuf for tat la)

Sammuel_Chan said...

a lot of thanks bro!
you can too! just shoot hard and your shots can eventually find ur way to the hotshots too!

Caneeliea said...

so that was your shot huh.. nice! :)